Wednesday 7 September 2016

A Practical Guide to Setting Up a Successful Reiki Business

Namaste Healers,

A lot of you would love to run a Reiki business one day but are not sure whether it is really doable.

Today's video not just shows you how to get going, but even how you could make $18,000 profit in your first year (and I'm not even trying to sell you anything, just show you how it can be done!).

Hopefully, you'll look at my model and say, 'Yep, that could be done. '

Let me know what you think :)

To download the Reiki Business Video Notes, click here.

PS If you're interested in finding out more about my Reiki Master Level, visit the Om Reiki Master Level homepage.

PPS I'm not selling anything in this video, so hopefully I don't need a disclaimer, but in case I do, I'm not making any promises of earnings you might make by following the advice in this video. Every situation is different. Every healer is different. So I will not be held responsible for any losses or lack of earnings you make as a result of anything you learn in this video. I hope this video helps (and my plan is as close to no risk as you can get), but everything you do as a result of watching it is at your own risk.

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